October 7, 2022   Dear Harrington Park Community,  As we all know, Harrington Park School District is a very special place.  At the start of each new school year, I reflect on how fortunate I am as I get the opportunity to welcome back our students and look forward to educating and enriching their lives for the better.  Without our dedicated staff, administrators, and our enthusiastic students, this would not be possible.  As I am so proud of this district and all the people that are a part of it, it is with a very heavy heart that I let you know that I am resigning from my position as Superintendent of Harrington Park School District, effective January 1, 2023.  My years at Harrington Park School have been some of the best of my life.  I will cherish the time spent here and hold a special place in my heart for all the students, staff, and community members that I have had the pleasure of getting to know.  I am also pleased that during my tenure, the District has accomplished great things, and I am proud to have played a small role in helping that happen.  None of it would have been possible without your support, and I continue to be grateful for that.  It has been an absolute honor serving with you over the past seventeen years during some of the most challenging times any educator has faced.   I have absolute confidence in the team and their abilities to continue what has been created here in Harrington Park.       The Board of Education and the Harrington Park Family can be comfortable in knowing that I will dedicate the necessary time and effort to the next person who will “Lead the Way” in this wonderful district.   With gratitude,   Adam D. Fried, Ed.D
ATTENTION 3rd & 2nD GRADE STUDENTS KIND KIDS CLUB WILL HAVE ITS FIRST MEETING! The meeting will be at 8:05am on Tuesday, October 11 in the APR. We hope to see you there! Kind kids club NA WORLD WHERE YOU CAN BE ANYTHING CHOOSE TO BE KIND
PLEASE REMEMBER TO CURB YOUR DOC! As a reminder: During school hours INCLUDING drop off and pickup, animals, especially DOGS are not permitted on school property. This is regardless of their size or if they are leashed. It is reflective of BOE Policy #7490.
From the Desk of the President of the Harrington Park Board of Education Wishing those who celebrated Rosh Hashanah a Happy New Year! The BOE met last Thursday and continued to work on various items to support a successful 2022-2023 academic year by reviewing key initiatives and programs that the school administration and staff are participating in. At the apex of the District's success is the Self Development Growth Plan (SDGP), where staff participate in the creation of an action research project. These action research-based projects are a part of their observation and evaluation process and have impacted their practice and craft. This process has been recognized as a best practice in the State of New Jersey. One of the prime examples is the 'Daily Mile' that provided physical and mental healing during the pandemic which became a lighthouse program for the entire State of New Jersey. Another example that grew from this freedom to try innovative ideas by the teachers is "What I Need" (WIN), which incorporates multiple evaluative data to identify students' strengths and also areas that are in need of additional support. With this approach, students can be individually supported and given sufficient challenges during core subject lessons throughout the year. This program was implemented for K-3 grades but will soon be extended to 4-8 as well. These and many other programs are in development and ongoing in the SDGP, and all support to empower and enhance the teaching staff for direct impact on instruction and student care. The Board will continue to be apprised of the effectiveness of these initiatives and work with the administration to support the success of our students. Also at our meeting, the Administration and the Board had the pleasure of honoring dedication and service. They will remain in the hearts of every student, alumni, and staff that each of them touched over all those years. Have a wonderful week, and enjoy the great weather we have! Sincerely, HPBOE President, Stephen Hahm
September is National Childhood Cancer Awareness Thursday, Month September 29th, 2022 Pajama Day! CANCER KIDS FIRST PJAMMIN Pajamas tend to be the uniforms of cancer patients. Staff and students get the opportunity to come to school in pajamas! We plan on honoring kids around the world with cancer. In partnership with American Childhood Cancer Organization cancerkidsfirst.org/donate LET'S GO SPARTANS!
Top: Dr. Fried with Ms. Grocela with a certificate for her retirement. Bottom : Dr. Fried with Ms. Plunkett and Ms. Zumpano and their retirement certificates.
Top Left, Right, and bottom Right: Students posing together while working the class of 2023 car wash. Bottom Left: Pink sign that says: Car-wash 23' $10".
Arial view of the front of the school showing the students during the Planter Painting
Side view of HPSD by Lynn St. showing a large amount of bikes parked there for the cycling safety part of the HPSD PE curriculum.
Top: Side of the school building showing the new cones and roped off area for pedestrians to walk. Bottom: Alternative angle of coned and roped off area for pedestricans.
MEET THE TEACHER Ms. Paternostro 5th Grade Language Arts ABOUT ME Ms. Paternostro can't live without iced tea lemonade from Starbucks and her hometown is tp - she was even a student at HPSD! CURRENTLY READING She is currently reading through all of the sth grade class novels! She just finished Stone FoX and LOVED H! FUN FACT Fiji and Australia are Ms. Paternostro's favonite places that she has visited and her favorite food is chicken. FAVORITE PART ABOUT BEING IN EDUCATION "My favorite part about being in education is watching my students grow both socially and academically!"
MEET THE TEACHER Ms. Pasi Grade 2 Maternity Leave for Ms. Wise (Sept.-Dec.) ABOUT ME Ms. Pasi can't live without chocolate chip cookies and Negril, Jamaica is her favorite place she's visited! CURRENTLY READING A Room with a zoo by Jules Feiffer FUN FACT She loves seafood, hiking, strength training, and going to Elevate stairclimb right here in Hamington Park! FAVORITE PART ABOUT BEING IN EDUCATION "There are so many things, but i love being able to bridge the gap between education and success. creating a safe and fun environment helps students and their families feel comfortable and happy with education and new ideas! I have worked with children for years and always have one goal in mind: happy and heathy kids, grow into happy and healthy adutts!"
8th Grade Project Pride September National Hunger Awareness Month COLLECTION FOR THE NORWOOD FOOD PANTRY Collection Dates: September 12 - September 30 As part of Project Pride, our 8th graders are collecting specific items for The Norwood Food Pantry to support local Northern Valley families. Please consider donating one or more of these items BY GRADE LEVEL. Students can drop the items by the Main Office. - Oil (olive or canola) - HP STAFF - Toothpaste - PRE-K & KINDERGARTEN - Ground or Instant Coffee (regular or decaf) - Grade 1 Bread Crumbs - Grade 2 - Complete Pancake Batter (add water only) - Grade 3 Plastic Bottles of Juice - Grade 4 - Shampoo & Conditioner - Grade 5 - Canned Meats (tuna, chicken, salmon) - Grade 6 - Mayonnaise - Grade 7 - Ketchup- Grade 8 Please ONLY send in new or unexpired items from the above list. Thank you in advance for your support!
MEET THE TEACHER Ms. Franceschini Grade 1 ABOUT ME Ms. Franceschini can't live without coffee and her favorite food is pizza. CURRENTLY READING Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia owens FUN FACT She enjoys reading and baking. Haly is her favorite place that she's visited! FAVORITE PART ABOUT BEING IN EDUCATION "working with my students and seeing their smiling faces
MEET THE TEACHER Mr. Lawlor Physical Education ABOUT ME Mr. Lawlor enjoys working out, golfing, and going on walks with his wite and puppy. CURRENTLY READING Tiger and Phil: Golf's Most Fascinating Rivalry by Bob Harg FUN FACT Hilton Head Island in South Carolina is mr. Lawlor's favorite place he's visited. He can't live without Skittles and his favorite food is pizza! FAVORITE PART ABOUT BEING IN EDUCATION "My favorite part about being in education is that I'm able to work with students of all abilities and see their success throughout the school year."
MEET THE TEACHER Ms. Pabst Grade 1 ABOUT ME Ms. Pabst can't live without iced coffee (from Starbucks specifically) and her favorite food is pizza! FUN FACT HP is Ms. Pabst's hometown and she is so happy to now be teaching in the school she grew up attending! FUN FACT She loves to cook healthy recipes, sit on the beach, or go for long walks! Aruba is her favorite place she's visited. FAVORITE PART ABOUT BEING IN EDUCATION "There are so many reasons why I love being an educator! one of my favorite things is seeing how much progress my students make from the beginning of the year to the end. It's such a rewarding feeling to see their growth, both academically and socially."
Hello! Welcome Back Spartans
MarkTorrie in sunglasses with his PE class waving to the camera in the background.