Harrington Park School District Cold Weather Important Drop Off & Pick Up Safety Reminders Now that the weather is colder, we have an uptick in cars at drop-off and pick- up. Kindly review the following and share it with any caregivers that do not receive our emails/communications. Morning Drop Off • For both the front "Kiss and Go" and Lynn Street drop-off, parents are asked to please have their child(ren) ready to exit the vehicle before pulling up to the drop-off line. We ask that adults please remain in their cars. • Adults are also reminded that for safety, students should be exiting the vehicle on the side that faces the sidewalk and they should not be exiting the vehicle into the traffic lane. Afternoon Dismissal • For dismissal, parents can not leave vehicles unattended or double-parked in the "Kiss and Go" in the front of the school or on Lynn Street. Parents can not double parking in the Kiss and Go at any time. As the temperatures are dropping, please note that students will be outside for lineup and recess if the temperature is above 32 degrees. Please ensure stuch morning indice g an inite outroor lieup Please note, we do take into consideration the wind chill factor.

Cold Weather Reminders  ❄️ #hp