From the Desk of the President of the Harrington Park Board of Education Wishing those who celebrated Rosh Hashanah a Happy New Year! The BOE met last Thursday and continued to work on various items to support a successful 2022-2023 academic year by reviewing key initiatives and programs that the school administration and staff are participating in. At the apex of the District's success is the Self Development Growth Plan (SDGP), where staff participate in the creation of an action research project. These action research-based projects are a part of their observation and evaluation process and have impacted their practice and craft. This process has been recognized as a best practice in the State of New Jersey. One of the prime examples is the 'Daily Mile' that provided physical and mental healing during the pandemic which became a lighthouse program for the entire State of New Jersey. Another example that grew from this freedom to try innovative ideas by the teachers is "What I Need" (WIN), which incorporates multiple evaluative data to identify students' strengths and also areas that are in need of additional support. With this approach, students can be individually supported and given sufficient challenges during core subject lessons throughout the year. This program was implemented for K-3 grades but will soon be extended to 4-8 as well. These and many other programs are in development and ongoing in the SDGP, and all support to empower and enhance the teaching staff for direct impact on instruction and student care. The Board will continue to be apprised of the effectiveness of these initiatives and work with the administration to support the success of our students. Also at our meeting, the Administration and the Board had the pleasure of honoring dedication and service. They will remain in the hearts of every student, alumni, and staff that each of them touched over all those years. Have a wonderful week, and enjoy the great weather we have! Sincerely, HPBOE President, Stephen Hahm

HP BOE Message