MEET THE TEACHER Ms. Pasi Grade 2 Maternity Leave for Ms. Wise (Sept.-Dec.) ABOUT ME Ms. Pasi can't live without chocolate chip cookies and Negril, Jamaica is her favorite place she's visited! CURRENTLY READING A Room with a zoo by Jules Feiffer FUN FACT She loves seafood, hiking, strength training, and going to Elevate stairclimb right here in Hamington Park! FAVORITE PART ABOUT BEING IN EDUCATION "There are so many things, but i love being able to bridge the gap between education and success. creating a safe and fun environment helps students and their families feel comfortable and happy with education and new ideas! I have worked with children for years and always have one goal in mind: happy and heathy kids, grow into happy and healthy adutts!"

Meet Ms. Pasi! #hp #LeadOn!