Spartan Head

From the Desk of the President of the Harrington Park Board of Education:

From the Desk of the President of the Harrington Park Board of Education Hello, HP! Thank you to those that came to the meeting last Thursday. Since the masking at school became optional on Monday, March 7th, students and staff have done a great job in this transition. Two of my three children chose to wear masks while my older one is happy to see it being optional. While we are all happy to see the changes, the district continues to maintain policies and procedures such as Test and Stay. The school staff is planning for a big change: the students will no longer eat alone at their desks, but have lunch together in the APR! I think this change is very significant and will further provide a much-needed social environment for all students to heal and devolop. The goal is to have a pre-pandemic lunch starting in early April. Thank you to the HSA and KPA volunteers, staff, and countless  others involved  in the lunch operation for support during difficult times and I ask for your continued support as we make the transition school stati he on sto Thrive st ther die dy herd of work, Thif indy trit herapeti program allows better overall care for our most needed students. In addition to onsite services, this partnership with Thrive will serve the greater community and we are looking fore and to receive hu stare punding and aroider future get Bore so prays our guidance counselors remain committed and ready to serve all of our students and continue one-on-one sessions as well as teaching lessons in all of our classrooms. Thank you to those that paired a priousniy: the friendshielbout the rotey of Harrington Park Police Department sent out a letter via email that reviewed the process and asked that we all review these rules and abide by them for the safety of our children. Furting bread to lite lins. The dela wilso as more from are Polin hartos nd reinforce the rules and ensure safety for our students.  As we make progress toward normalcy, I’d like to thank the administrators and staff for doing their best during these tough times!Furthermore, I’d like toi give a round of applause to all the parents for being flexible yet resolute in providing comfort and safety for the children.  Enjoy the warmer weather and stay healthy! Sincerely. HPBOE President, Stephen Hahm