Student Council's Annual Heart Gram Sale, send a heart gram and a surprise. $1 cash donnation per heart gram.  Complete the form and send donation in an envelope labeled with studnet name and heart gram $  HEart gram will be deliverd to homerooms on Feb. 14th


The Student Council will be selling "Heart Grams" again this year!  Heart grams will be sold for $1 each.  

If you would like to purchase a heart gram, please fill out the purchase form below and send in your cash donation in an envelope marked "Student Council Heart Gram" with your child's name. Heart grams will be sold until Monday 2/12 at 3:15 pm and will be delivered to students during homeroom on Wednesday 2/14.

Heart Grams will also be sold at lunch this week 2/7-2/9.

Thank you for your support! 

HP Student Council 

Heart Gram Purchase Form